Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our mission in Afghanistan

A stranger comes up to you and punches you in the nose. The stranger looks ready to do it again. Given that you cannot run away, what do you do? You defeat the attacker in such a way that not only will he not be able to attack you again but no one else will want try. If someone helped that person attack you, you defeat them in the same manner. If someone helped them help the attacker you defeat them the same way.
Much of today's news is taken up with the report on the corruption in the Afghan government and its possible effect on withdrawal of NATO/American troops. I have not read President George W. Bush's book so I cannot speak to what he had in mind when we went into Afghanistan but it should have been to destroy the Taliban. To destroy them not because they were (by our standards) miserable rulers, but because they were guilty of aiding and abetting the murder of 3,000 Americans.
Under the American system of justice, if you assist in the execution of a crime you are guilty of that crime. For example if you drive the getaway car from a bank robbery in which a murder is committed you are guilty of murder. Reason for being in Afghanistan should be to kill or capture any and all Taliban, not to involve our selves in internal politics, except as it affects our primary mission. To be clear, current reports state that President Karzi, members of his family, cabinet, and government have funneled money and perhaps other support to the Taliban. They should be subject to being captured or killed immediately.
We are at war with the Taliban and their supporters and the Congress should formalize that reality.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Health Care

Principle: No one should die for lack of medical care unless they choose to.

Implementation: Any one presenting him/herself to a public health facility with a life threatening condition will receive, at minimum, life sustaining treatment.
If the individual:

• Can pay for services without tax payer subsidy, those will be provided.

• Is in the country illegally, minimum treatment will be provided until they can be returned to their home country. If the individual can afford a higher level of treatment, it will be provided until the individual’s deportation.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

International: Do We Go To War? If So, With Whom?

This should be fairly simple.
  1. We go to war with any one (country or group) who declares war on us.
  2. We go to war with any one (country or group) who physically supports those who are at war with us.
War can be declared by word "We are at war with the United States" or by action: for example by attacking a ship, plane, embassy, or  any thing of substantial value, either belonging to or  under the protection of,  the United States of America. Breaking a treaty would trigger a war .
This was our policy prior to the end of the Korean War. We should return to it.
A war is ended when either the enemy grants complete and unconditional surrender or when all of the enemy are dead.

Implementation: This is a significant change in policy so we should give adequate notice. One week should be sufficient. If you are supporting our enemies, stop and no more will be said. If you are war with us surrender now or die.

I know that this sounds harsh, but sending our youg men and women to die in numerous unnecessary conflicts is much worse. I believe that if this policy were in place and practiced, such wars as Iraq 1(not our war) and 2 (If not for 1 we would not have been involved in 2), Kosovo/Bosnia (not our war), or the Somolian incident (it is unlikely that the  liberator/warlord would go to a fight to the death war with the U.S.).
We would probably be in Afghanistan because I doubt that the Taliban knew what Al Queda was up to, and I doubt that they had the strength to take them into custody or even throw them out when we came looking for them. But I also suspect that Pakistan would not have given them shelter.
Speaking of Pakistan, if we had this policy, it is unlikely that they would have let their top nuclear scientest go around the world selling restricted nuclear technology to our enemies and the world really would be a safer place. For one thing without those secrets neither Iran nor North Korea would be nearly as far along as they are with their nuclear programs.

That's it for now. I cannot post daily, but keep checking back. I promise something interesting.